wanfang's shared items in Google Reader

Monday, May 05, 2008

new home, same job, 10.21 mile commute

commute distance: 6.5 -> 10.2, exercise more and save more gas!

It just looks like I ride on the freeway, I am mostly on the bike path. Zoom in to see the satellite view to discover the bike boulevard.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Project Rwanda

上週末跟老婆在路上看到一間咖啡店的櫥窗李放了一台腳踏車,然後還有寫Project Rwanda。就跟我老婆說那是有個人(Founder of Ritchey)也在關心盧安達的事情然後發現他們還在用很原始的方式運送咖啡豆。就設計了一台專門給他們來運送咖啡豆的腳踏車,減少了很多咖啡豆在運送過程的損失。我ㄧ時也想不起來我是從哪看到這個訊息的,後來就發現原來我是從肥油貓的網站上看來的
